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Read Actual Chapters» Table of ContentsWhat is In the Book » Chapter 2 The Four Biggest Myths in America » Chapter 8 What You Don't Know Can Hurt You » Chapter 9 Medicine is Not Scientific » Chapter 18 Follow Your Inner Knowing |
Chapter 8 - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You, Even Kill You There is a big distinction I am going to emphasize again. It is the difference between Emergency Medical Care, and Medical Symptom and Disease Care. Emergency Medical Care is exactly that. The type of care you would get if you cut yourself, had an accident, slipped or fell, etc. Something happened, you are hurt, and you get Medical Care. Medical Symptom and Disease Care is also exactly that. The part of Medicine that deals with trying, and I emphasize trying, to help people heal their symptoms and disease.
What does the word iatrogenic mean? This term is defined as induced in a patient by a physician?s activity, manner, or therapy. Used especially for a complication of treatment. Said another way, 225,000 people killed by doctors and hospitals and what they do! 225,000 deaths per year makes the medical system the third leading cause of death in the United States, after deaths from heart disease and cancer. Between 4% and 18% of the time people go to the hospital and are not killed, they experience things like this;
Of 13 countries in a recent comparison the United States ranks an average of 12th or almost the worst. This was also published in the same article of JAMA. Here are the actual number the medical system admitted to:
There is a perception that the American public ?behaves badly? by smoking, drinking, and being violent. But if you look at the facts, it just isn?t true. This is the Ranking of the same 13 countries from above, where we were second to last in health care results. Females who smoke ranges from 14% in Japan to 41% in Denmark; in the United States, it is 24%, the fifth best
Even though we spend more money per capita on health care than every other country except Germany, and we have healthier lifestyles than most other countries, we still rank almost last with regards to our actual level of health. Our medical system kills 225,000 people per year, and we still have almost the worst health. This goes to show the medical system does not give us health. Because they attempt to treat symptoms and disease does not mean that leaves you with health. The number of deaths that the AMA said happens, 225,000 each year, are not worth the results we are getting for health. Now, I want to put this into a little different perspective. I did some research, because I wanted to know. There are about 600 million to 1.2 billion people traveling per year on an airplane in the US alone. Depends on whose numbers you use. There are about 600 million to 900 million visits to a medical doctor each year in the US. Let?s say roughly the same amount of people step on a plane that step into a doctors? office. A Jumbo Jet holds roughly 250-300 passengers, depending on the airline and how full it is. If the Airline industry was killing 225,000 people every year, it would be the equivalent of 1,000 Jumbo jets worth of people (225,000 people divided by 225 passengers total). Divide 1,000 planes worth of people by 365 days in the year. Comparing the two (it is uncanny how well the numbers work out) and you get two Jumbo Jets Crashing Every DAY! And everyone on board is killed. Imagine, you wake up today and all over the news: Two Jumbo jets Crashed, and Everyone On Board is Killed! Then the next day: Two jumbo jets crashed today, and everyone is dead. Then the next day, two jumbo jets crashed again today, and everyone was killed. The next day, two more jumbo jets crashed today, no survivors, everyone dead. The next day, Two jumbo jets crashed today, and all passengers, Killed, everyone dead. You think to yourself, you are supposed to go on a flight next week. Do you cancel? Then the next day, again, two jumbo jets crash, killing everyone on board. The next day, Two jumbo jets crash, no survivors. When is it you decide to not fly? How many days does it take of two jumbo jets crashing Every Day before you decide not to fly? How long before you start talking to your family about not flying? How long before you decide it is worth your time to do what it takes to be well? The next day, two more jumbo jets crash and burn, and everyone on board is killed. It has only been 8 days. I want you to pause and think here for a moment. Do this for real. I want you to get, imagine, what would it really be like if every day, two jumbo jets crashed killing everyone on board, leaving no survivors. How long before the airline industries would be out of business? How long before the Government would step in and do something? What would the news media be like? What would people be saying and talking about? Now, things are a little different because air travel is mostly for convenience. And supposedly doctors are saving peoples lives. And the emergency medical care system is. The medical symptoms and disease care system isn?t. That is why I make the distinction between the Emergency Medical Care System and medical symptoms and disease care. Medical symptoms and disease care does not save tons of lives. Does not prolong masses of people?s lives. Does not make the quality of life better for most people. I can even show you they do not save more lives than they kill. If the doctors quit working, and they saved more lives then the number of people they killed, the death rate should go up, right? If doctors help more people then they kill, more people should die, if doctors quit working. That is common sense. And if doctors quit working, and the death rate went down, that would mean they are killing more people then they are saving. I mean, if less people died, and there were less doctors working, that would mean, overall, the helped less people then they hurt. Because if they helped more people, when they quit working, the death rate would go up. But how can you test this theory out? How can you get doctors to quit working? Well, have them go on strike. There are many countries around the world, where the doctors have gone on strike. And interestingly enough, you know what happened? The death rate went down. Yes down. Less people died, when there were less visits to doctors. This would imply that doctors actually hurt more people then they help. In Israel, this is exactly what happened. The doctors went on strike, and the death rates went down ?considerably? said the British Medical Journal. BMJ 2000;320:1561 (10 June) Also, in the book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. wrote: ?In 1976 in Bogota, Colombia, doctors went on strike during a 52-day period. The death rate went down 35% during that time. In Los Angeles in 1976, doctors went on strike to protest the increasing costs of malpractice insurance. The death rate decreased by 18%. When the strike ended, the death rate returned to pre-strike proportions. In Israel in1973, during a month-long strike, the death rate dropped 50%. The last time the death rate had been that low was when there was a doctors strike 20 years before.? Doctors go on strike, and the death rate goes down, over and over again. This seems like a pretty good indicator, doctors hurt more people then they help. And I will show you how true this really is, with more later. I want to remind you here again that I make a distinction between Emergency Medical Care, and medical symptom and disease care. Medical symptoms and disease care is about whom I am sharing the information. I want to go back to the tobacco companies for a moment, to point out something else here. If the tobacco companies would admit that smoking causes X amount of damage, what do you think the real amount of damage is that is done? A lot more, that is for sure. They do not want to admit that smoking causes a lot of problems. If they did, they would be liable for a lot more money. The medical system admitted to killing 225,000 people per year. What do you think that actual number is? What is the real number? More or less? If this is what they admitted to. I definitely think it is more. How statistics are tracked, is that everything gets a code. For every diagnosis, there is a standard code that everyone goes by. For every surgery and treatment, there is a standard code that all doctors use for the same thing. For most deaths, there is a code. Everything in medicine is standardized in this way. So when people die, it is up to the medical doctor, to give an appropriate code for why they died. That is how we know that X number of people died in car crashes, or from drug overdose, or from heart attacks, or from cancer. They all have separate codes. Then the medical system just adds them up. Let?s say someone was given a medication, and it caused their liver to fail, and they died. There is a different code for liver failure, than there is for medication error causing liver failure, than there is for doctor error. There is a person dead, because their liver failed, and there is nothing that can be done to bring them back. Nothing. Now the doctor has to put down the cause of death. Imagine yourself in the doctor?s shoes. You screwed up, a person is dead, and if it is really your fault, you might get sued, and lose your license. What code would you be tempted to put down? Liver failure due to medication error? Or that it was your fault? The person is dead. Nothing can be done to bring them back. You can learn from your mistakes either way. What do you chose? Or what if it is borderline. Did you screw up or not? It is a grey area. You followed standard protocol, and there was something that had you known, you could have prevented the person?s death. BUT you didn?t know. And there was no reason why you should have known, because standard protocol did not pick up on it. What code do you put down? Liver Failure from medication error, or your fault? Or even greyer, the patient had a weak liver. You know this, and they knew the medication might cause liver failure, but the patient didn?t want to change, and wanted to take the medication. There liver failed and they died. What do you put down for the code? Liver failure? Or liver failure due to medication error? Now many errors don?t even have codes for them. Even if the doctor wanted to report the real cause of death, he couldn?t. Because the medical symptoms and disease care has not created codes for all the ways the system can kill you. Again, these are the numbers the medical system admitted to that they said they caused. I wish I had a clue what the real numbers were. I don?t. But I can promise you one thing, they are higher. The emergency medical care system is EXCELLENT at helping people who have had or been in accidents. If I needed emergency care, you can bet your life that you will see me at the ER of a hospital. This is where, undoubtedly, they save lives. The unfortunate part is, so far, the two separate systems have not been separated. They do not separate accident and trauma related care, from medical symptoms and disease care, when reporting statistics. They are all grouped into the same category. The rest of this chapter is my opinion. I have not done all the research (finding all the sources, and adding up all the numbers, etc, as it would be a lot) and I am going to give my opinion on the information I do have, starting right now, the following section is my opinion only, based on logic and what seems to me, common sense. I was able to find statistics on individual hospitals, and it seems they averaged 20%-50% of their admissions were due to trauma. The difference I noticed seemed to be that some hospitals specialized in trauma where others did not. It is a total guess, but logic would say that the percentage of traumatic out patient visits would be less. So taking an average of say 20%, that is the number I come up with as to how many doctor visits are trauma related. Let?s assume that the mistakes, and errors, and such are equally made as well. This would mean you would take 20% of the numbers reported for people they killed, in my opinion, for the number of useless deaths. This would bring the overall number of people the medical symptoms and disease care establishment kills each year to about 200,000 people, but the percentage, when compared with plane crashes, would remain the same because you also take out the number of visits for trauma care when coming up with the figures. That being said, maybe trauma care kills a higher percentage of people, or maybe there is a higher percentage of outpatient trauma visits. Even if we take the best case scenario for arguing the medical symptoms and disease care side, here is where we would be. Let?s say 50% of all visits to the medical profession are trauma related, and they actually make twice as many errors than regular visits for symptom and disease care. This would put the number of people needlessly killed by the medical symptoms and disease care at 75,000 people killed each year. Again, doing the math, means 75,000 people are killed by the medical profession not trauma related. 75,000 people to half of the visits, still leaves one Jumbo jet Crashing Every day. Every Day, another jumbo jet crashes. Next day, One Jumbo jet Crashes, everyone on board killed. Next Day, one jumbo jet crashes, everyone on board killed, no survivors. And on and on. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, one jumbo jet crashes every day, killing everyone on board needlessly. Apart from emergency care, medicine does NOTHING, absolutely nothing to help people improve their health. They only treat symptoms and disease. They do nothing to help people prevent sickness, symptoms and disease. And in my opinion, they actually are counter productive to increasing health and preventing disease. So these 75,000 deaths are at the cost of no gain, nothing. Completely just senseless deaths. When it comes to health, the medical profession does nothing to help people heal. I will get into why, a little later, in a factual way, where you will understand this for yourself as well. For now, my major point with this chapter is to wake you up to the reality of the medical profession, sharing information with you, so you can make a more informed choice about who is going to do something about your health. And in case you missed it, you are the person who has to do something about your health. The medical profession is not going to create a magic pill, or potion, or lotion that is going to magically give you health. You will either add to your health, or lose your health. It is that simple. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The medical symptoms and disease care system has been trying to treat symptoms and disease for almost 100 years, with no real results. They still have essentially no cures or treatments for most things. The very fact that 1.25 million people die every year in America from heart disease and cancer alone is proof of that. Not to mention all the other thousands of diseases that people still die from. The medical symptoms and disease care system has made no real progress in curing symptoms or disease. |