Detox program

First off, how do you know if you are toxic or not? Simple, are you breathing, are you more than 5-10 years old, and have lived anywhere other than the top of a mountain? You are toxic.

No seriously, how can you tell if you are toxic? Look at your tongue. Get up and go look at your tongue in the mirror. If your tongue is anything but pink and "smooth," you are toxic. Many people will have the tops of their tongues be white, will have dimples on the sides of their tongue, and some will even have yellow or green on their tongues. And I am not talking about after eating some artificially flavored sugared candy either.

This is also the same way you can most easily tell if a detox program is working or not. When you first start a program often your tongue will get worse before it starts turning pink. Like if your tongue is white, it will get whiter before it starts turning pink.

The Biggest Detox Myth – You do NOT have to feel like crap to detoxify. Yes, many programs that cause the body to detox will make you feel like you were hit by a bus. The feeling of detox is not the best standard of measure to go by. The feeling of detox is not the best thing to go by. Your tongue is the best gauge of how your detoxification is going.

There are basically 3 different ways to Detox.

  • Fasting (or some combination with fasting)
  • Colonics
  • Specifically designed detox products

Fasting is the oldest and most traditional way of detoxing. It is even referenced in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is how old it is.

Nowadays there are Juice Fasts where you only drink fresh squeezed vegetable juice. The master cleanse where you drink a concoction of Lemon Juice, Maple Syrup, Cayanne pepper and water, The apple juice cleanse, etc. They all involved drinking one substance and not eating any other food.

Fasting is very effective but can be difficult to actually do. Since many people have never detoxified before, it will often take weeks before they have completely cleansed their system. And fasting for weeks is not an easy thing. (I know I have done it before) – You can also do it for like 3 days a month, month after month until your tongue is pink. You do not have to do it all at once.

In my educated opinion all fasting type detox plans are basically equally good. So then it is just a matter of what do you want to be your only food substitute to drink while you are fasting.

The substance itself you are drinking is not so important as long as it is not toxic itself.
So if you are going to do a fasting cleanse, pick a drink you like to drink, and do that one.

Colonics is the second way I talk about. Basically what it involves is a daily enema. There are different things that people use for the actual enema solution, but the same general thing happens. You get the solution put into your large intestine, and not through drinking it either, and it cleans and scrubs your large intestine walls. You then pass all the garbage and toxins out. With a clean large intestine, it becomes very easy for your body to eliminate other toxins from your body. And so it often does so automatically. Unfortunately, this method is effective but can be very uncomfortable for a lot of people.

Detox Formulations: The last way is through some specifically prepared formula designed to help stimulate the body to detox. There are some nutritional supplements, homeopathics, homeovidics & herbs designed to help stimulate the body to get rid of its toxins.

Nutritional Supplements are usually combinations of high doses of vitamins that help support the body during your detox as well as stimulate your body to start detoxifing.

This is part of what the standard process detoxification program uses.

Homeopathic. First, what does homeopathic mean. Homeopathic is literally water charged with the energy of the substance you are trying to get rid of.
Homeopathy was actually discovered by a sailor on a ship crossing the Atlantic ocean in the mid 1400’s. One guy discovered (by accident) that when someone was sick, if he put their urine in a glass and rinsed it out 5 times, then put water in the glass and had them drink it, they would get better.

Well now with quantum physics we actually know what is happening. In simple terms, everything in the universe is energy. The thing in your body that is causing you to be sick has an energy. And when you put that energy into a glass, the water will pick up and start vibrating at that energy. This happens by the same principles of the water studies by Dr. Emoto. If you put “love” (or anything) on a water bottle, it will actually change the structure of the water under a microscope to be similar to the words put on the water.

So when you put the energy of the substance that is making you sick into the water, and drink it, your body gets re-activiated to that presence and more quickly gets rid of that which is making you sick.

So you can prepare a homeopathic water like substance to also stimulate the body to the presence of toxins and get the body to eliminate those toxins.

Traditional homeopathy is a very hard science because you constantly have to be changing the “dose” of the homeopathic and the actual charge of the homeopathic constantly.

Herbs are similar to nutritional supplement formulations in how they work. They just use various herbs, which are nothing more than plants, mixed together in time proven ways that will stimulate the body to detoxify.

The only bad things with herbs are they taste really, really bad. Almost always. And I mean like plug your nose and you still almost want to throw up bad. This meathod is very effective but often people cannot drink the herb mixture. You actually have to drink the herbs to make this form of detoxification effective.

So which Detox do you do? For most people we recommend the DMC Detox Protocol Pack.
This is included with any laser package.

If you start feeling cruddy, or have any other symptoms of detox, or you want to do the detox and purification to the max, we recommend you do the DMC Detox, Purification, and Healing pack. This is RM750 extra. This incorporates food and nutritional supplement changes as well.